Industry Takeover Night coming to Richmond

We’re bringing Industry Takeover Night, a monthly staple at Graffiato in D.C. to Richmond. In fact, we will be showing off the riches of Richmond to some of our favorite D.C. chefs on Monday, October 13. Jonah Kim, formerly of the now-shuttered Pabu in Baltimore, and Danny Lee of Mandu will be down, along with some other chef friends to be announced soon. Guests enjoy choice selections from our guest chefs’ menus prepared in our kitchen.

Industry Takeover Nights are open to the public. A $10 cash-only cover charge is requested at the door, and 50% is donated to a different charity.

Monday, October 13

Partial proceeds to benefit Feed More.

Kyle Bailey
Executive Chef, Birch & Barley

Scott Drewno
Executive Chef, The Source

Danny Lee,
Chef/Owner, Mandu

Tiffany MacIsaac
Chef/Owner, Buttercream Bakeshop

Jon Arroyo
Bar & Beverage Director, Farmers Restaurant Group

Derek Brown
The Columbia Room

Todd Thrasher
Bartender/Partner, PX